

AMERICAN CULTURE Americans are very proud of their country. American culture and society are founded on freedom, equal rights, and democracy. Americans value the idea of ​​free speech. This means that they can say whatever they want about the president. They protest when the government does things they don't like. The development of America's culture—film, music, dance, architecture, literature, food, and the visual arts—has been shaped by many diverse sources. American popular culture has been expressed through all media and signals, including movies, television, music, comics, and sports. Gone with the Wind and Star Wars, Mickey Mouse and Marilyn Monroe, Sesame Street, SpongeBob and The Simpsons, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Madonna and Britney Spears, jazz, blues, and hip hop, Popeye, Snoopy and Superman, baseball, football and basketball, Barbie and G.I. Joe, Burger and Coke etc. —These names, genres, and phrases relate to American products that have been expanded around...